
Introducing the  Porta MC-10 Laptop!

The Porta MC-10 takes a regular TRS-80 MC-10 and turns it into a Compact Retro Take it Anywhere Laptop.

Before we discuss the Amazing Porta MC-10 features!

Lets find out a little more about the TRS-80 MC-10 and some additional key upgrades available for it……

TRS-80 Micro Color Computer

The Tiny Little Computer That Could – But with CORDS!!!

The TRS-80 MC-10 microcomputer is a lesser-known member of the TRS-80 line of home computers, produced by Tandy Corporation in the early 1980s and sold through their RadioShack chain of electronics stores. It was a low-cost alternative to Tandy’s own TRS-80 Color Computer to compete with entry-level machines such as the VIC-20 and Sinclair ZX81.
The MC-10 was of value primarily to hobbyists and as an introduction to computer programming.

Stock TRS-80 MC-10 features:

About the size of a hardcover book, the MC-10 has four kilobytes of RAM, a Motorola MC6803 eight-bit microprocessor, a built-in serial port, and graphics capabilities similar to those of the original Color Computer (provided by the same MC6847 video display generator).

The MC-10 includes a BASIC interpreter in ROM and uses regular audio cassettes for bulk storage. Text and graphics are displayed on a television set via a built-in RF modulator. Less common for machines in its class is the integrated RS-232 serial port, which allows the MC-10 to use line printers and modems without additional hardware.

Amazing Upgrades for the TRS-80 MC-10

Upgrades Available:

One of the Best Upgrades for the MC-10 is the PiKey10. Don’t miss out on this amazing product

PiKey is a wired USB keyboard and Atari-style joystick adapter intended to improve usability of retrocomputer systems by providing an avenue by which a user may add a full-sized wired USB keyboard or 9-pin Atari joysticks or Sega joypads

ALSO the MCX-32 SD Memory and SD Card

The MCX-32 SD is a cartridge that plugs into the expansion slot on your MC-10, providing SD based file storage, an expanded BASIC with additional commands, additional RAM and flash memory for your computer. Comes complete with 3d printed case (case color may vary). SD card not included.

Now with that Pre-amble out of the way lets learn more about the Porta MC-10!

Porta Mc-10

Enjoy the best design & function combined together

Simple to install, and even simpler to use. The Ultimate 1980’s Retro Computer converted to Laptop convenience.

Love RETRO but hate being tied down to your desk….

There is no limit to where you can MC-10 anymore. The world is the limit now….

The Porta MC-10 Gives you true Retro Freedom to compute 80’s style anywhere/anytime

No Case Mods Required

How does it sound to turn your MC-10 into a laptop, and with four screws turn it back to original condition. This Detailed CAD designed system allows you do just that. But once you go laptop you never really should go back…..The only time you ever need your drill or saw will be to take out its battery to get more on the go time……..

Simple/Cheap on the Go POWER available at HD

The Porta MC-10 is powered by any regular Ryobi ONE+ battery Pack. You likely already have a few in your home ready to power your MC-10. No expensive custom batteries to buy and eventually replace. Just head to Home Depot if you need even more power….

We know what you are thinking……Where can I buy one of these amazing kits?

First Off: These are Custom Made one-offs. But if you are really interested in having one for yourself, then join the CoCo Discord (an amazing resource for all things CoCo and MC-10 related) and contact user #PortaCoCo directly.

Also: To build a Porta MC-10 you must already have the following equipment (Stock MC-10, PiKey10, Composite or HDMI Mod and a MCX-32 SD).